In the past, my experience with upgrading from one operating system to another has always given me a somewhat flaky system to work with. I was getting close to my 4 year new system build time anyway. Thank goodness for Vegasaur to back-up my special settings and all! It did not preserve my layouts but it kept everything else. What a pain it is to re-install everything but with some planning, I got it all done. I used the full version of Windows 10 Pro to avoid the limitations of the OEM version. So I just finished installing a new CPU on a new motherboard and installing Windows 10 Pro.

I finally replaced the memory which helped a lot but the system was still questionable when it came to booting and reliability.

My motherboard was getting flaky as well.

So for a while I was running on 8 gig instead of 16 gig. Later on one of my memory sticks went bad and messed things up big time. While everything worked, there was a bit of flakiness in my system. I originally upgraded from Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit to Windows 10 pro taking advantage of the free-bee from Microsoft. I read somewhere that it would be authorized for my computer configuration and therefore would not work on any other Gabonviper, I may go back to Win 7 until there is a compelling reason to upgrade, but I now have a free installable version of Win 10 for when I need it. I think the same key works for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions, however. Make sure that you download the correct version of Windows (non-Pro versus Pro, for instance) or else the key won't work. I then used Belac Advisor to tell me my new Win 10 Keycode, and was able to install the image using it. I upgraded using the Media Creation Tool and also used it to download the Windows 10 image file. The installed "Apps" will eventually appear sorted by size as the default (Why?). At first Vegas 8 hung on startup at "Installing DirectX plugins", so I uninstalled and reinstalled and now its seems OK.īTW, to uninstall a program, you now click on the resurrected start button (Windows icon in bottom left corner) and then select Settings>System>Apps & Features. Most installed programs (now call Apps!) seem to be intact. I upgraded Win 7 to Win 10 because it was free and because it was the future.