If you do not like this game, you just are not a game fan, or (very likely from the PC elitists crowd) your just automatically hate AAA releases. First off anyone that says the graphics stink are just insane, they are incredible besides a couple of questionable terrain textures in spots. You will need a GTX 680+ to max out this game at 1080p with 8x MSAA. FAR CRY PRIMAL UNABLE TO LOCATE UPLAY PC 1080P The combat is really where this game shines, it is more varied and exciting than any single player FPS in recent memory. Maybe even since (blasphemy) Half-Life 2! Take em all out silently with the chained takedown, or roast them with the flamethrower, or set up a mine and throw a rock so they walk over it. Snipe from afar, impale them with arrows, use a predator (tiger) to help you out! The story is as cheesy as it gets I'll admit, but not the worst as games go. The main bad guy is at least interesting. It's an open world shooter, reminding me more of fallout, but unlike fallout the gunplay is very smooth without the assistance of something like VATS.

The story and side quests suck compared to fallout, but the action and exploring the island/taking outposts is so fun I don't think you'll be doing anything, but playing this game a couple of hours into it.

Unless your a PC snobbington, which appear to be more and more prevalent these days. FAR CRY PRIMAL UNABLE TO LOCATE UPLAY PC PC … Expandįar Cry 3 is without a doubt the best single player game of the year. While the story of Jason Brody is a bit convoluted and unbelievable, this can be ignored as the story is merely a catalyst to discover the incredible environment of Rook islands, to interact with the fantastically presented characters and to enjoy the ludicrously good gunplay.