Or it may also happen that an inconspicuous-looking plump man will turn out to be an excellent cook, which will save meager food supplies. So, for example, among the possible wards may be a former schoolteacher who is able to lift the spirits of all group members with her optimism. Each of them has its own history, character, skills and preferences.

At the same time, it is necessary to manage not hypothetical units, sometimes depersonalized to numbers on the screen, but quite living characters. The gameplay of This War of Mine The Little Ones is a 2D platformer, which is unusual for strategy games in itself. As a result, the characters feel almost alive. The visual range of the game is designed in a stylish and authentic manner, reminiscent of pencil sketches, which, combined with a perfectly matched soundtrack, creates a unique atmosphere. There are clashes between government troops and armed rebels inside the city, and the population that could not evacuate is forced to eke out an existence in the slums that were dilapidated after the shelling. The game will take over the management of a small group of civilians who find themselves in the epicenter of a local military conflict. But that's exactly what you have to do in the game This War of Mine The Little Ones. And only a few works allow you to feel like a simple person who is far from easy to cope with the difficulties that arise. Be it a medieval knight or a brave space traveler.

Most games offer the player to act as one or another hero.